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Emerging Enterprises Market SME Support Program

What is the purpose of this program?

The purpose of this program is small and medium sized organizations which have the potential to develop and grow;

  • To provide help them to be processed in the Istanbul Stock Exchange Market Emerging Enterprises Market,
  • To provide opportunity to procure funds from capital markets.

Who can apply to this program?

Small and medium sized organizations which have the potential to develop and grow can apply to this program.

What is the program and project limits?

Project support upper limit is 100.000 TL amount.

What is the application date?

There is no time restriction. It is possible to apply in every day of the year.

What are supported project costs?

  • Market counselor consultancy fee,
  • Independent auditing service fee,
  • Capital markets board, board registry fee,
  • Istanbul Stock Exchange Market Emerging Enterprises Market list acceptance fee,
  • Central Registry Agency (CRA) cost,
  • Finder’s fees to be paid to the intermediary firm costs are supported in this program.